Spring 2002 BME (E72) 240 -01 Biomechanics

Prof. Taber
Course enrollment: 41
Course information(from professor):
Number of tests given:4
Number of quizzes:0
Number of problem sets assigned:10
Number of labs (or computer assignments):0
Number of "major" projects:0
Number of responses
Organization and Grading of course No responseYesNo
Course requirements clearly communicated? 2 28 0
Course lived up to its description? 2 27 1
Understood grading procedure at outset? 2 27 1
Your grades accurately reflect understanding of the material? 2 24 4
Exams covered what you expected? 2 27 1
Comments on written work sufficient? 3 22 5
OverallNo responsePoor--- -- - Average + ++ +++Excellent
Overall rating (Organization & grading) 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 11 11
Course Content No responseYesNo
Work load for this course was appropriate? 2 27 1
Were you positively challenged to live up to your potential? 2 24 4
Reasonable time to complete assignments? 2 28 0
You found this course beneficial 2 27 1
Combined "real world" applications with course material? 2 27 1
Overall did you spend more time on this class than others? 3 5 22
OverallNo responsePoor--- -- - Average + ++ +++Excellent
Overall rating for the Course Content 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 14 5
Teaching No responseYesNo
Instructor is concerned for students? 2 28 0
Instructor is enthusiastic about course? 2 27 1
Instructor demonstrated expertise in course material? 2 27 1
Instructor made the course interesting? 2 24 4
The TA for this course was effective? 15 9 6
Lecture was organized and easy to follow? 4 26 0
Professor generally available for questions? 3 26 1
Homework/Tests were returned promptly? 2 25 3
OverallNo responsePoor--- -- - Average + ++ +++Excellent
Overall rating for quality of teaching for this instructor 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 8 14
Overall Course Evaluation
OverallNo responsePoor--- -- - Average + ++ +++Excellent
Overall satisfaction with the course 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 14 4
.No response A B C D F
Expected grade for this course 6 13 10 1 0 0